Import Document Skip Import Stop Done Please insert the next floppy disk, or click Done if you are finished importing. The file “ ” does not contain any data. ”. The first value will be imported. ”. If you choose to continue, these cells will be blank on the imported forms. ”. If you choose to continue, this cell will be blank on the imported forms. ” which do not exist on your form. These cells will be ignored. ” that does not exist on your form. This cell will be ignored. The version of this Interchange file is too old. The format of the data in the file is bad. The import will be cancelled. This form was exported by ” with data types that are incompatible with similarly named cells on your form. These cells will be ignored. ” with a data type which is incompatible with a similarly named cell on your form. This cell will be ignored. error detected form imported The autoform “ All autoforms in current folder/disk All files in current folder/disk Selected autoform Selected file Cancel ” that correspond to picture cells on your form. These cells will be ignored. ” that corresponds to a picture cell on your form. This cell will be ignored. Checking calculations… has too many rows. Would you like to import the form ignoring the extra rows extra values values extra value value errors were detected. error was detected. No before the import was cancelled. forms were imported form was imported Import file name: Importing from “ in the file “ duplicate cells duplicate cell cells on your form which cannot be found in the file “ cell on your form that cannot be found in the file “ cells in the file “ cell in the file “ There are There is There are no recognizable cell names in the file “ There is not enough memory to complete the import. errors detected forms imported , skip the form, or stop importing? . Would you like to import the form ignoring extra values . Would you like to import the form as is has is missing Form is invalid. Would you like to import the form ignoring the invalid value ” on form The value for “ Continue